We were honoured to welcome Figen Murray in to school in March. Figen's son, Martyn, was killed in the 2017 Manchester Arena attack and she visited CHS to speak with our Year 10 students. Her talk focused on the radicalisation of young people, including personal anecdotes from Figen about the night of the Arena bombing. Students heard information on how to spot if they are being radicalised online and where to go for further support and help.
Figen delivered a strong message about the importance of kindness and tolerance of others and how the young people of today truly have the world in their hands. It was a powerful and moving talk and students were keen to ask questions and engage with the session during the Q&A, which was great to see.
Following the event, Figen commented:
"It was great to be there and I felt that the young people asked some really relevant and great questions, both during the session and afterwards in a much smaller circle. Thank you for asking me to come and talk to your students."
Figen is currently working alongside Parliament to introduce Martyn's Law, which will be in place from next year to introduce new laws on public venues and their security.