In May we were very grateful to be able to welcome in to school PC Cornall from Cheshire Police's Safer Schools and Young People Partnership and PC Hood and PCSO Holmes from the Congleton Community Team to highlight the issues surrounding anti-social behaviour for our Year 7, 8 and 9 students in assemblies over two days.
The team also used the opportunity to address knife-crime ahead of Operation Sceptre, which will run from Monday 15th May. Operation Sceptre is the second national knife-crime week and is an initiative to tackle knife-crime. During the week-long Operation, all 43 police forces and the British Transport Police will take part in intensified efforts to crack down on knife-enabled crime and violence. Police aim to target those carrying weapons, reduce these offences, raise awareness of the dangers of knife crime, and provide young people with more positive alternatives to crime.
Thank you to PCs Cornall and Hood and PCSO Holmes for taking the time to discuss these important issues with our students and for helping us to keep our students and our community safe.