There have been serious concerns raised again about cars parked on Box Lane at drop off and pick up, which are causing a danger for our students and other road users.
You are permitted to access the school site via the main entrance (in front of reception) to pick up and drop off. Please DO NOT use the other entrances (the Bus Park or the rear car park/Sports Hall entrance).
There are plenty of safe parking areas only a short walk from school. Please park considerately (not across driveways/junctions, in turning circles etc.) and turn off your engine.
Avoid parking on Box Lane, as this blocks both the pavement and the road, causing a dangerous obstruction for our students, other pedestrians and road users. It also results in chaos as the road becomes gridlocked with single lane traffic unable to move in either direction.
Please also remind your child of their own road safety responsibilities, including staying alert when next to roads and waiting for crossing lights to turn green before stepping into the road.
Thank you.